How To Water Bermuda Grass In Summer

How To Water Bermuda Grass In Summer

It may sound silly, but only 2 out of 10 lawn owners know how to water Bermuda grass in the summer properly.

With the ability to withstand drought and extreme heat, this grass species requires copious watering every 3-4 days, especially in summer.

Simply put, the best way to water grass in hot weather is to learn all the basics that go into keeping a lawn healthy through proper and timely watering. Start by creating a watering schedule so you don’t miss a single watering day.

In this article, we discuss the best Bermuda grass watering tips to avoid mistakes and maintain a healthy lawn year-round.

What is Bermuda grass?

This is an incredibly popular type of lawn found primarily in warm climates like southern states (like Florida), southern California, Arizona and Texas.

Grass grows very quickly and doesn’t require much maintenance other than regular mowing during the warm weather months – and it’s just as vibrant as other lawns!

When is the best time to water Bermuda grass?

According to experts, the best time to water Bermuda grass is early morning because the rate of evaporation is lower than in the evening and at night. Therefore, early morning watering easily seeps into the soil and is absorbed by the grass.

How Often Should I Water Bermuda Grass?

Different grass species have different water requirements to grow tall and healthy.

Bermuda grass is a very thirsty plant and needs regular watering to survive high temperatures and keep the roots upright. Bermuda grass needs to be watered every 7-10 days at average temperatures.

The more you water, the faster the stalks will grow and the nicer your lawn will look. Below is a brief description of how to water Bermuda grass 5 times a month.

It’s no secret that Bermuda grass is an incredibly thirsty plant. It needs to be watered every day, and it’s essential to pay attention to the time of day that you water your weed so you can make sure it’s getting enough moisture throughout the day.

You should water Bermuda grass 5 times a month.

Here are the five times a month you should water Bermuda grass:


This is the perfect schedule for most homeowners who want to maintain their lawns but don’t want to overdo it. Weekly watering is enough to prevent dead spots on your lawn that can lead to disease or root rot.

every two weeks

If you have a Bermuda grass lawn, this schedule will work best for you. During the summer months (June to September), when temperatures are high and humidity is low, you will need to water more frequently. However, this schedule also works well if you live in an area with intense drought cycles, such as the United States. B. in Southern California or Florida (where there are dry winters).

every three weeks

If you have more than one lawn, choose a schedule that will help prevent Bermuda grass from turning brown and going dormant. Water the grass at least 1-1.5 inches every 2-5 weeks to keep the grass healthy and robust.

6 Ways To Water Bermuda Grass Easily

1. Soccer tube

The best way to water Bermuda grass is to use a soak hose. This method allows you to position the hose where it is needed most – such as in tight areas that a traditional sprinkler or sprinkler head cannot reach.

2. Water drinker

The guzzler is an incredible tool for spreading a good amount of water deep into the roots of Bermuda grass. Mainly in spring, summer, and fall, Bermuda grass grows at an average growth rate of 4-6 inches and requires an average of 30-60 minutes of watering.

3. Hose & Sprinklers

A hose and sprinkler is another effective tool for spraying water on Bermuda grass every 30-60 minutes. Water drips from the tubular end to moisten the soil and encourage growth.

4. Floor sprinklers

Unlike others, in-ground sprinklers are low volume with low angled heads making it so easy and quick to water lawns with balanced pressure and minimal water loss. They are excellent for restoring and treating dormant Bermuda grass, especially when it has lost colour due to a low water supply.

5. Rotating Nozzle

As the name suggests, rotary jets disperse water from the jet over the Bermuda grass in a rotating motion. They are excellent for watering at an average water pressure of 20-255 PSI to create a sprinkler system for different watering times.

6. Bucket of water

Fill a bucket with water and pour it into your Bermuda grass. Repeat this process every other day, morning and evening, to keep the weed fresh, healthy and robust. The process is a bit time-consuming, but it ensures that the water sinks in the right place.

5 Best Lawn Mowers For Bermuda Grass

1. Cylinder lawn mower:

Cylinder lawn mowers are great for Bermuda grass because they are cheaper to run than other types of lawn mowers. These types of mowers cut grass faster than push or cylinder mowers, which can save you money in the long run without having to pay for maintenance.

If you have a lawn with Bermuda grass around trees or shrubs, consider using a push or cylinder mower to water the weeds down to the shallow roots.

2. Husk mower

Hawk-style lawn mowers are the best choice for Bermuda grass as they are designed to minimise damage to the plant. As a beard-style mower, they pair well with Bermuda grass but can leave clumps of dead leaves.

3. Electric mower

Electric mowers are another excellent option for removing unwanted growth from your Bermuda lawn. This type of lawn mower offers more control over how much you cut back and how deep you go into the ground.

4. Manual lawn mower

Manual push mowers may be best suited for smaller areas as they don’t require electricity or a motor. However, these machines are not ideal for extensive gardens as they are more time-consuming than electric models, which may not be the best choice for busy individuals.

5. Rotary lawn mower

Rotary mowers cut blades of grass at an even height, so they don’t have to be cut very long or deep. These types of lawnmowers are popular with homeowners who have small yards or gardens because they work well on small areas of Bermuda grass.

Does My Lawn Need Water In Fall?

Bermuda grass has different water requirements in different climatic conditions. Although Bermuda lawns need water year-round, the need is highest in the fall to prepare the grass for summer. For fall, the best watering tips for Bermuda grass would be to increase the duration of watering sessions to encourage grass growth and reduce the effects of late summer.

5 Effective Bermuda Grass Watering Tips

We know that keeping your Bermuda grass healthy means water, water, water, but do you know how to water Bermuda grass effectively? If not, here are 5 practical Bermuda weed-watering tips to help you stay on track and never make the same mistake again.

1. Don’t keep drinking water:

Bermuda grass is a thirsty plant and needs a lot of time between waterings. If you’re unsure of the best interval between waterings, start with every other day and work up from there. Don’t rush the process. Instead, create a proper Bermuda grass watering schedule to keep things in check.

2. Don’t overdo it

Even if your Bermuda grass is thirsty, don’t water more often than recommended, as the roots will look dry. However, you can use a spray bottle instead of a hose to prevent runoff and ensure your lawn stays clean year-round.

3. Do not pour water in the rain

If it’s raining outside, don’t water your Bermuda grass until the rain has stopped and the grass is dry again. Watering during heavy rain will wet the grass and damage the roots of your Bermuda grass.

4. Water early in the morning and late at night

Watering early in the morning and late at night gives the water more time to soak into the soil before it evaporates during the day. In addition, it also helps prevent damage to your lawn from overwatering or drought during the summer months when it is drier than usual.

5. Avoid using hot water

During the summer, using hot water on a Bermuda lawn will damage its roots as well as other parts of the foliage, which can result in wilting or death. Always check the temperature of the water before spraying it into the soil.

What is the best way to cut Bermuda grass?

The best way to cut Bermuda grass is to set the mowing height within a few inches so you get a fresh, healthy cut every time. Adjust the height from 1.5 to 2 inches depending on the growth of your grass to achieve the desired Bermuda grass cut. In general, set it as low as you like so you don’t have to exert as much effort when mowing.

How often should I water my lawn in summer?

If you’re wondering how often I should water a lawn in the summer, the best way to estimate your lawn’s water needs is to estimate it. Bermuda grass requires an average of 20-25 minute watering sessions each summer to wet the grass at least 1 inch. Try watering your Bermuda grass once or twice every two weeks for better and deeper water intake.

Should I Water Bermuda Grass While Sowing?

Yes, Bermuda grass needs to be watered during the transplant. This is because the seeds you sow underground need water to grow into a new plant, disrupting germination time and strengthening its roots.

But even with proper watering, the seeds will germinate quickly and continue to grow until favourable conditions return.

Be sure to use a sprinkler system to give your Bermuda grass a set amount of water, as too much water can wash away the seeds and ruin all your pre-sowing efforts.

How much water is enough for the Bermuda Grass?

Although every lawn has different watering requirements, it’s best to water at least 6 to 8 inches above the grass surface. For your convenience, we’ve put together a step-by-step checklist before watering Bermuda grass on a lawn.

1. Walk on mud

Always walk the soil before watering to get an idea of how much water Bermuda grass requires. It also helps to know if the soil has absorbed all of the water or if there is still some water left in the lawn.

If your footprints are on the ground, the lawn has more than enough water, but if it’s dry enough, add a bit more water until the soil is moist.

2. Screwdriver test

When watering a lawn for the first time, don’t risk stepping on mud. Instead, use a screwdriver and dig it straight into the ground to see how deep it can go.

If it can drop at least 6 inches, that means the soil is moist enough, and you’ve watered enough.

If not, give a little more water until the soil is damp and prompts you to stop watering.

The depth intensity tells you how much water your lawn can take.

3. Track water intake

The best way to track water levels is to use a sprinkler system. Run the sprinkler on the lawn for a set amount of time until the gallon is whole.

For example, if you watered 0.62 gallons, multiply that by the square feet of your lawn.

Next, divide this value times the sprinkler flow rate that you wrote down. This will give you the exact timeframe when you should water your lawn.

4. Set timers

Setting a timer is another practical and effective way to track how much you’ve watered your lawn and measure water flow.

However, this method only works well if your lawn has a sprinkler system.

If your water at intervals or short cycles, this may not be the most uncompromising method of preventing lawn overwatering.

What Is The Best Time To Water Lawn In The Winter?

The best time to water a lawn in the winter is after you’ve cleared the lawn of snow.

Due to the low temperatures, water on the lawn can freeze, which is why the lawn is best watered at sunrise.

Remember that watering over frost or ice will eventually damage the grass blades and suck up all of the nutrients from the grass on the lawn.

Watering early in the morning, from 4 am to 9 am, works well in most cases due to the low rate of evaporation, allowing the grass to absorb all the water quickly.

If it doesn’t suit you, go late afternoon, but make sure the water doesn’t stand on the grass for too long, inviting pests and fungal diseases.

How often should I water my lawn with a sprinkler system? 

While you can’t use a formula to measure every lawn’s thirst, there is a specific rule of thumb that will answer your question.

How often I should water my lawn with a sprinkler system depends on the water pressure and watering needs of my lawn.

Water the soil to the point where it becomes slightly damp to avoid overwatering and waterlogging.

On average, 30-45 minutes of watering Bermuda grass is enough to water it on a sunny day.

You can also water all at once or split the watering schedule into two parts to get the correct total amount of water.

How often do you wait for fruit trees? 

Water is an essential requirement for the fruiting of fruit trees.

Because of this, fruit trees require the most amount of water to nourish young fruit.

If you live in an area with a dry climate, provide at least 2-3 gallons of water once or twice a week to keep the soil consistently moist.

As needs increase, add more gallons of water per square foot to allow for healthy growth of fruit with the right flavor and aroma.

Can I water different types of grass?

Most cool-season grasses receive water through deep root systems that allow them to grow healthy and vigorously.

Grasses like Josias, St. Augustine, Bermuda, and Centipede have water systems that can withstand high water stress and even drought conditions.

However, some grasses also go dormant due to lack of water and recover when favourable conditions return.

In the summer, most of the water comes from natural irrigation and rain, so grasses typically need less water in the warmer months.

Summer heat, drought, low humidity and dry winds trigger the need for water in the grass.

When the lawn should be watered in summer

Due to the dry climate and natural rainfall, you should water your lawn regularly in summer to avoid drought and dry roots.

Regardless of which sprinkler you use, water to a depth of at least 1/3 inch for at least 15 to 30 minutes daily to meet your lawn’s water needs.

How often do you water the lawn in winter?

Do not water in winter when the grass is covered with snow. When temperatures are below freezing, water the lawn every two weeks for an average of 15-30 minutes to keep the soil moist and reduce the effects of dry winters.

When is it too cold to water grass seed?

Any temperature below 4°C or 40°F is too cold to water grass seeds as they are dormant and do not require regular watering.

Frozen grass seeds will pause their dormant phase when favourable conditions return.


The best rule of thumb doesn’t work well when it comes to watering a lawn with Bermuda grass.

Too much water can suffocate the root system and oversaturate the soil. Too little water can dry out the soil and turn the grass yellow.

In this guide, we’ve covered all the tips and tricks you need to water Bermuda grass effectively.

Until then, happy mowing.

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